Prayer Request

Welcome to the Pluckemin Medical Equipment Ministry Prayer Wall. God hears your prayers! Use the form below to add your request. We also encourage you to scroll down the page to pray for others. Click “I PRAYED FOR THIS” to let others know that they are not alone. Thanks for being a part of the Ministries family!

Pray together and know you are not alone

Do Not Be Anxious About Anything. Let Your Requests Be Made Know To God

"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.  For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”


Please pass this along to a prayer warrior or elder who would be blessed to pray fervently for me: Please pray God have mercy on me, heal my body, mind and heart completely and grant my heart's desire for a husband. Pray God not forget about me and watch over his word to perform/hasten it concerning me. (Jer. 1:12) Pray for breakthrough and mountains moved. Pray God's will be done concerning an upcoming wedding I'm going to, that God provide, that I would not despair. Pray for faith, hope and love. Pray all paths be made straight and for deliverance and freedom. Pray God restore and redeem and remove despair, anger and frustration. Pray God have compassion on me and lift me up.


Please pray that Pluckman medical equipment is donating two wonderful chairs to me please pray that I get some type of Transportation to get them delivered to Wayne. And please pray for my daughters Vanessa and Melissa and my grandsons benji, Dominick, and Ralph.


Due to throat cancer I will soon have a total laryngectomy and loose the ability to speak. Please pray for my recovery and that I will not be fearful.


Please pray for Deb Zach and her family. Deb's husband is going through testing for a pancreatic mass.


Pray for the Rick and Susan La Course family. Susan's mother passed away this morning.